While penetration testing focuses on finding as many vulnerabilities as possible, a red-team assessment focuses on evaluating the risk level of a company by conducting various anonymous pseudo attacks.

The pseudo attack consists of three types:

  • Cyber
    Attack through the cyber domain
  • Social
    Attack on people’s behavior
  • Physical
    Attack on facilities or equipment of an organization or a third-party provider

By conducting realistic attacks on your system, it lets you determine the effectiveness of your security measurements.



To conduct a read-team test, we need you to prepare the following:

  • Information of the network to be tested and IP address/addresses
  • Briefing and adjustments on requirements for testing environment and restrictions and limitations
  • Interview on the impact of the testing system
  • Admission application and PC application
  • Testing environment

An example of attacking scenario:

  1. Collect information
  2. Access to the attacker’s website and attempt to build a remote environment
  3. Design an attacking basis
  4. Obtain administrative rights and intrude
  5. Successful compromise



1. Pseudo attacks conducted by an experienced professional

2. We will design the attacking scenario based on your needs

3. You will receive a list of recommended resolutions and measures after the testing